This is a piece of an original Spider-Man costume worn by Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker in the 2007 hit Marvel Film directed by Sam Raimi. The 8x6” piece is from the left mid leg of a screen used Costume & is made from an elasticated synthetic fibre material; chosen specifically by the production team for its skin-tight qualities. The piece comes beautifully framed (15x24”) together with a Certificate of Authenticity from Columbia Tristar Pictures Signed by Columbia Tristar Archivist Colin Grenne. The aesthetic of the Spider-Man Costume was first devised by Artist Jack Kirby in 1962, where it was later enhanced in 1966 by John Romita. Throughout the decades it has stayed relatively integral to it’s first designs & is an instantly recognisable icon of the Superhero genre. A complete Spider-Man Costume from the Film sold at an LA based Auction House for more than $60,000 in 2016. The Display measures 12x20 inches. There is some minor wear on the corners of the frame but this does not appear to detract from the quality of the display. This item has now sold.