This is an original production used Storyboard used during the filming of the iconic American Science Fiction Film directed by Steven Spielberg. The US sized document is a facsimile of the original pencil & ink drawings, & would have been distributed amongst principal cast & crew. This particular storyboard depicts the opening sequences of the Film, marked “OP-1”, where the camera pans through a star field to reveal a silhouetted forest. It includes two holes where it would have formed part of a production crew ring binder. This unique artefact includes some minor wear & ageing, but otherwise remains in fine condition. Provenance: From the personal collection of Howard Stein; ILM (“Industrial Light & Magic”) Visual Effects Editor who worked on the Film. Mounted inside a bespoke framed display with a corresponding descriptive plaque (22x17” overall). Logos or registered trademarks in this display are solely for referencing purposes & remain the Property of the applicable Film Studio or Distributor.